The Spirit of Truth for Comfort and Reproof
Just Blame Me
Just Blame Me

Just Blame Me

The Lord said to Aaron, ” You and your sons and the ancestral house under your charge shall bear any guilt connected with the sanctuary; you and your sons alone shall bear any guilt connected with your priesthood.

Numbers 18:1

Just Blame Me

I’ve been working on some projects along with this website and blog, and I’m ready to share one of the poems I’ve written. I was thinking about some of the things I’ve observed in American culture, especially since Covid-19, and this is part of what I came up with. This is just an excerpt.

“I believe several lies are lived out daily in the United States. There are truths that have become lies in practice because of ignorance and misunderstanding.


Just Blame Me

There are the lies of those whose intent is to deceive

that speak words of truth that they don’t understand or believe.

Then there are the impostors who hate and lie,

they deceive and spy all the while they tell you they love you and they’re on your side.

Only the true light of truth can rescue us

from the web of lies that has us tangled up.

Who’s to blame for all the lies and deceit?

That answer is so hard, just blame me!

Maybe we could move forward if we did that.

At least maybe then we’d stop looking back.

We might look to the Lord and then we’d see,

It was all in the plan for you and me.

Moses said it a long time ago, but let’s be clear,

didn’t Abraham know?

We keep getting boundaries that are soon erased.

The Father above gave us truth and grace.

So why do we keep going back?

The truth is there’s something in us that lacks!

The truth is that; God is good.

But someone messed things up with should.

“You should have all of this by now!”

“Why are you kneeling? You should bow.”

“Why do you sprinkle? You should immerse.”

And deacon, “Why are you reading that verse?

Read this one instead; you should already know.”

“After they hear this, they will give and go.”

We’ve become entangled again in bondage you see

When we are promised life more abundantly.

That doesn’t mean we get more stuff.

It really means we share more love.

Not lust – Not sex – Not covetousness

But agape – true love!

That’s what’s best!”


– J. McGhee




One comment

  1. Christina

    It’s interesting how the shoulds and oughts overshadow the cans and dids. Thankfully we CAN come to know that True Love did not lie to us. He DID make the sacrifice so that we can access truth permeated with agape love.

    Ahhh. No need for shame. Just surrender and repentance in exchange for authentic peace, joy, and abundant life. ❤

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