The Spirit of Truth for Comfort and Reproof
The Power of Love
The Power of Love

The Power of Love

We need love!

After watching news reports of all of the mass shootings, toxic politics, and the overall strain on the citizens of the world, I believe LOVE IS A NECESSITY! Christ said that the law and the prophets rests on the concept of loving our neighbors as ourselves. Let’s actually do it!

 Over and over again I see the neglect and abandonment of love for others. We are often driven, through fear and anxiety, to consider our own welfare at the expense of others not realizing the degree to which our lives are connected.

We need to consider an expansion of our definition of love that includes something other than familial or romantic love. Can we truly try to treat each other like we’re looking in the mirror? If we can, let’s begin treating ourselves and each other better.

“Let me be a seal upon your heart, like the seal upon your hand. For love is fierce as death. Passion is mighty as Sheol; its darts are darts of fire, a blazing flame. Vast floods cannot quench love, nor rivers drown it. If a man offered all his wealth for love, he would be laughed to scorn.”

Songs of Solomon 8:6-7 Tanakh



  1. Christina

    The romanticized version of love that our culture emphasizes is often rooted in self-focused acquisition. If we’re so focused on ourselves that we fail to expand our perspective to include others, we end up wanting patience and kindness without actually being patient or kind to others. We may find ourselves envying those we perceive to be undeserving of the blessings they possess, all while proudly boasting about how our own point of view is morally superior. If we’re not careful, we’ll dishonor others with our self-seeking efforts to assuage our tendency to be easily angered about what we don’t have as we keeps blow-by-blow accounts of wrongs we’ve suffered. If we’re doing this, we might not recognize that this is delighting in evil. We are not rejoicing in the truth that God loves us all… even the undeserving. We are not realizing that we are, in fact, living an anti-loving life. God’s desire to conform us into the image of His Son is focused on loving those perceived as undeserving and unlovable. May He empower us as we become those who emulate His love in the earth which always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

  2. بهترین روانشناس معتبر گیشا، دکتر شیرین ولی زاده است که در حوزه ی روانشناسی و مشاوره فعالیت دارد، او در محله گیشا خدماتی با کیفیت مانند مشاوره و روانشناس حضوری را به شما عزیزان ارائه میدهد. او در گرایش تربیتی مدرک دکترای روانشناسی دارد، همچنین کارشناسی ارشد روانشناس کودکان استسنایی را نیز دارد، تمرکز و تعهد او در حوزه سلامت روانی را میتوان در میزان تخصص و تحصیلات او دید، فعالیت های او در رسانه با عنوان مشاور و کارشناس در حوزه های مختلفی از روانشاسی، از خصوصیات ویژه ی او است، دکتر شیرین ولی زاده با فعالیت های مدیایی و تلویزیونی خود، باعث افزایش آگاهی عموم با به اشتراک گذاری تجربه و دانش روانشناسی خود شده است.

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