The Spirit of Truth for Comfort and Reproof
“My Help”
“My Help”

“My Help”

The Lord is My Help!

If you’ve followed my recent blog posts, you’ll notice that I’ve been sharing more of the psalms, odes, or songs from other sources. Hopefully the unity of the Father’s providence and will can be seen and we can accept that the Bible is not a complete representation of the words spoken from believers over time.

“I was rescued from my chains and fled to you, my God.

You are the right hand of my salvation and my helper.

You held back those who rose against me and the disappeared.

Your face was with me. I was saved by your grace. But in the eyes of many,

I was abhorred and excluded.

In their eyes, I was lead.

I assumed strength from you and drank your help.

You placed a lamp at my right hand and at my left.

In me nothing is not bright. Your spirit covered me, and I took of my robe of skin.

Your right hand raised me and removed my sickness.

I grew strong in your truth, holy in your goodness.

My enemies feared me.

I was of the Lord by the name of the Lord and justified by his gentleness. His rest goes on forever.”

Odes of Solomon – Song 25


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