The Spirit of Truth for Comfort and Reproof
The Elephant in the Room
The Elephant in the Room

The Elephant in the Room

“He shows his word unto Jacob, his statutes and his judgments unto Israel. He has not dealt so with any other nation; and as for his judgments, they have not know them.”

Psalm 147: 19-20

Apocalypse Now!

Just over two years ago I blogged about the “apocalyptic” times we’re living in. If you click the words above, you can read my blog from June 26, 2022. I’d like to revisit this topic now that what I’ve been saying is more clear to observe.

Apocalypse means unveiling or uncovering. Before, I asked what has been uncovered and I thought it was tacitly understood, especially with the context of this website, that I was referring to our body of religious truths. If that is unclear, please revisit my posts and videos.

The “elephant in the room” as I see it is that established scriptural truths have been misconstrued and/or ignored by the very people that claim to be fighting wars based on those truths. Then, the politicians attempt to manipulate people’s true faith for their own personal gain.

Again, do we who claim faith truly believe? S0, who is on the Lord’s side? Not the Muslim side, or the Christian side, or the Jewish side, etc., but who’s on the side of the Lord of ALL creation who primarily requires that we don’t do to others what we hate done to us. 

Can we handle the truth that many of our forefathers inherited lies that we have perpetuated? Honest discourse is part of what’s lacking in many of our attempts to reconcile. Let’s Know Better than Our Fathers and start truly healing!

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