The Spirit of Truth for Comfort and Reproof
Ruwach Emeth


Living Life Blessed

“Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much better than they?”

Matthew 6:26

Being blessed is all about the one doing the blessing. In reality, to be blessed is a state of being that comes with knowing the credibility of the one giving the blessing. When a person is blessed by God, their expectations can change with the knowledge that everything is within the Father’s control. As long as we are walking with him, we are blessed.

Contrary to popular belief, being blessed is more about the giver than the gift. Blessings are the expectation of the believer that walks with God. Beware! Blessings may not look the same from one person to another at times. A blessing for one person could be a curse for another. Be on guard of your own desires for blessings.

What are blessings really? What does it mean to be blessed?

barak – a Hebrew word meaning to kneel; by implication it means to approve of. To bless reveals one of the unspoken aspects of a state of blessedness, approval by God. The benefit of this word when used by the Father is that he always does what he says. To gain the Father’s blessing or approval is the goal of the believer.

berakah – a Hebrew word for blessing meaning benediction. The Lord’s blessing remains with those who are faithful to him, as a blessing is more the declaration of one’s state of being. This is why we always pronounce blessings on the Lord because he exists in a state of beneficence, perfection, and blessedness. 

esher – a Hebrew word for blessed meaning happy “The state that the blessed one enjoys does not always appear to be happy.” Being blessed also reflects a state of being.

[Quote from Strong’s Expanded Dictionary of Bible Words pg. 354 (2b)]