The Spirit of Truth for Comfort and Reproof
Ruwach Emeth
The Glory of the Lord

The Glory of the Lord


Hebrew word translated as glory meaning weightWeight is in this sense means splendor. It describes the great physical quantity or wealth of something.


This Hebrew word for glory connotes beauty, ornament, and distinction. It represents beauty as a characteristic enhancing one’s appearance.


This Hebrew root word translated for glory means to be clear or to shine; to boast, make a show or celebrate. Though used as a word for praise most often, it’s first use was in description of Sarah’s great beauty in Genesis 12:15.

Psalm 24:7-9

O gates, lift up your heads! Up high, you everlasting doors, so the king of glory may come in! Who is the King of glory? The Lord, mighty and valiant, the Lord valiant in battle. O gates, lift up your heads! Lift them up, you everlasting doors, so the King of glory may come in!

The Glory of the Lord

The glory of the Lord is something that, in my opinion, has been framed too narrowly. Part of the glory of the Father is his unfathomable existence. In all of our efforts to quantify, identify and classify THE CREATOR, we always fall short.

One of the most dynamic examples of the glory of the Lord is his word. Because our Father is a living God, his words are always reliable. It has been documented over time how the true prophets of the Lord were precise in their prophecies from the Lord. 

One common example of this is the prophecy that Joseph gave to Pharoah in Egypt that took him from the prison to the palace in Genesis 41. It was the Lord that preserved Joseph and gave him the wisdom to lead Egypt during the famine Pharoah dreamed about. 

This glory is beyond comprehension. Infinite power and gentleness combined is indeed glorious. That our heavenly Father takes notice and cares for us is truly amazing. The ability to learn and know the Father intimately only speaks more to his glory, that he can be known and yet be unknown and incomprehensible.

“O nations, acclaim His people! For he’ll avenge the blood of his servants, wreak vengeance on his foes, and cleanse the land of his people.”

Deuteronomy 32:43

The Glory of the Lord

Keeping His Word

The scripture quote above is taken from a song that the Lord tells Moses to sing in the ears of the people of Israel. If the entire song is considered, today’s events can be seen more clearly. Truth has a way of being unavoidable and irrefutable.

Those who have been calling themselves Jews who live in Israel do not speak of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob publicly. Though they claim the heritage of Judah, son of Jacob, there is little public reference to the crux of the Hebrew heritage – El Elyon, El Shaddai, Jehovah Nissi, etc.

So, I ask the question posed in chapter two verse six of the book of Jeremiah, “Where is the Lord, who brought us up from the land of Egypt?” It’s not that I don’t know the answer. We’ve known the truth about it for years, but many world governments don’t seem to address the huge misinformation campaign of world religions.

This is a fulfillment of scripture! As I’ve said in recent posts, apocalypse mean unveiling. Understanding the meaning of the words to Moses’ song from Deuteronomy 32 can lead to the necessary repentance spoken of in Deuteronomy 30. 

Are we really woke like Deuteronomy 30 speaks of? Can we see that the glory of the Lord is already here and never left? Just because false interpreters and money hungry liars have obscured truth with their lies doesn’t mean the truth has changed. This too is part of the Lord’s glory!