The Spirit of Truth for Comfort and Reproof


What are we doing?

I’m really excited to see the elected officials in the Congress exercise their duty to truly go forward in the appointment of a new Speaker of the House. Selecting someone that can be trusted to honor his or her oath of office and be loyal to the country is important.

On a more comprehensive note, the “American Way” that we have come to know is in need of an overhaul. We’ve been conditioned to value receiving and taking over sharing and giving. The cyclic nature of creation has not taught us, or we haven’t learned, to support all life efficiently without vanity.

We do too much! Our excesses are destroying us. We spend a lot of time consuming and not truly sustaining and reproducing that which we were all given by that which is greater than us ALL.

Can we come together to use resources efficiently and work toward the mutual benefit of the survival of more than our selfish desires? This can only be accomplished with humbly recognizing our heavenly Father in our day to day lives with integrity.

“…You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against your countrymen. Love your fellow as yourself: I am the Lord.”

Leviticus 19:18 Tanakh

American Way?

Is this truly the way?



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