The Spirit of Truth for Comfort and Reproof
Ruwach Emeth
Historical Condemnation: ABOMINATIONS

Historical Condemnation: ABOMINATIONS

Historical Condemnation: Understanding Abomination

In many ways, the knowledge of abomination and condemnation come from centuries of religion. With understanding of the impact of certain behaviors on the fabric of society, condemnation is and has been used as a tool to discourage undesirable behaviors. The use of the word abomination has added a greater condemnation that seems to reveal the perception of degrees of sinfulness or the state of being condemned.

Because there is no one that can boast of being sin free, condemnation is a tool that should be used very wisely. Below, I will go into detail about the meanings and usage of the word abomination and its applications. My goal is to clear up confusion and use the scriptures as a tool to dive deeply into this topic. 

I believe a clear understanding of our Father’s point of view can help us to understand his love for us in spite of the ignorance and vanity of men. Furthermore, the things that the scriptures identify as abominations are many. Why have to come to focus so much on some abominations over others? As we take a closer look, be patient! There’s a lot of information.


A Hebrew root for the word abomination meaning to smell bad. It can also mean to be morally offensive.


A Hebrew root for the word abomination meaning to be filthy. It denotes something detestable and polluted.


A Greek word for abomination that describes something detestable. It is used in discussion with idolatry.

Proverbs 6:16-19

Six things the Lord hates; seven are an abomination to him: a haughty bearing, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a mind that hatches evil plots, feet quick to run to evil, a false witness testifying lies, and one who incites brothers to quarrel.

Taking a Closer Look

Proverbs 6: 16-19 gives a pretty detailed list of the things the Lord hates and those that are considered an abomination to him. Notice that sexual sin is not amongst the things that the Lord hates. I bring this up because the extra emphasis on sexual sin gives greater condemnation but doesn’t match the scriptures.

There are people that have been confused, violated, and condemned because they have been labeled an abomination. If we look closely at the definitions for abomination above, we have to acknowledge that we can all be dirty and do things that stink at times.

Condemnation can be appropriate at times, but education can help to tackle the root causes of “abomination” that usually come from spiritual deficits.

Sodom and Gomorrah

The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah have been talked about for millennia. The destruction was clearly severe. Scriptures, not all quoted here, clearly detail the behaviors of the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah and the depravity of those cities.

It is not accidental that the primary behaviors of pride, injustice and laziness have been largely pushed to the background. In American culture, much of the leadership seems to capitalize on the personal battles people face while perpetuating injustice.

Hearkening back to the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah, the politicians of today project their own arrogance and apathy onto the public that they have largely abandoned with failed policies and failure to actually do their jobs. Injustice is an abomination to the Lord.

Putting stumbling blocks in the path of the blind is abominable to the Lord. American politicians have benefit, at least in their pockets, from rampant abominations while condemning a population that their legislation, or lack thereof, has caused to be inundated with sex, murder, and depravity.

Ezekiel 16:49

“Only this was the sin of your sister Sodom: arrogance! She and her daughters had plenty of bread and untroubled tranquility, yet she did not support the poor and the needy. In their haughtiness, they committed abomination before me; and so, I removed them as you saw.”

Isaiah 29:21

“For the tyrant shall be no more, the scoffer shall cease to be and those diligent for evil shall be wiped out, who cause men to lose their lawsuits, laying a snare for the arbiter at the gate, and wronging by falsehood him who was in the right.”

A Cause for Hope

I’m so grateful that the Father has promised his children rest from the abominations of the unjust leaders. It has become difficult not to anticipate deceit. This must be what it felt like for Lot before Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed.

The scriptures describe Lot as having been vexed by the ways of the people of the city.  So often, I am vexed by the proliferation of guns in America with the ironic condemnation of mass shootings. Our politicians have talked about competing with other nations while inequitably distributing education funding to actually support that initiative.

I’m so glad that a day is approaching that truth will be appreciated and righteousness will reign. There are ways to accomplish progress and unity without fear, deceit, and manipulation. Let’s really rethink abomination and condemnation!