The Spirit of Truth for Comfort and Reproof
Ruwach Emeth


Ruwach Media Page

I have created a lot to read, but I also have created some videos that accompany the information I’ve included on the site.

If you view all of the videos, you will see that I am not attempting to speak of myself, but rather the Creator of us all for the purposes of our mutual benefit. Enjoy and consider wholeheartedly!


Giving Clarity

These are my latest two videos. In these two videos, I hope we can broaden our understanding of how our heavenly Father uses ALL of us to accomplish his will.

What is your purpose and how are you designed to bring honor to the Creator?

 “I am that guy!”

When I recorded the first video of, I am that guy, I knew I had left things out that I needed to say. When I woke up this morning, I couldn’t avoid following up with a part two.

I pray that you are blessed in your pursuits of compassion and love toward your brothers and sisters. It’s not always easy!



More from Ruwach Emeth


Featured Video

A lot of effort has gone into training people about different ways of displaying religion. We have learned quite a bit about that which is outside of ourselves. In this video, I pose everyone a question: What is your praise? The goal of this question is to provoke reflection and introspection into our own gifts and unique endowments.

Sometimes, as we look around and compare ourselves with our surroundings, we tend to blend in. While it may not be necessary to stand out per se, it can be helpful to build on the things we can do naturally. Often it takes some exploration, trial and error, or utter failure to discover our God-given endowments.

I believe this is vital to unity and survival. Harmony and diversity are modeled in all of nature for us to appreciate. We need to learn to appreciate the various differences that we have as diverse people. We are all children of the Most High!


Thanksgiving Hymns from the Dead Sea Scrolls


Listen carefully!

Consider the Promise!

“And he said unto them, these are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms concerning me.”                                      Luke 24: 44

In some ways, we have accepted the interpretations of scripture that favor our own vanity. However, our Father requires things of his servants that are beyond the comprehension of the masses.

In the videos presented, I read from hymns, equivalent to psalms in nature, that reveal more details of the fulfillment of the words of the Father through Christ.

The Living Nature of the Words of the Father

Here are two videos related to each other but separated by two years. In these two years, Covid-19 has helped to shine a light on the way things really are around the world. Light reveals many things, both good and bad. In the scriptures, a visitation of the Lord often had dire consequences for the nations where the Lord’s people were captive. This is important in a current day context because the Father’s peculiar treasures have been scattered to the North, South, East and West. The world is being addressed by the Father again through many of his servants that have been endowed with the Spirit of Truth.