The Spirit of Truth for Comfort and Reproof
Ruwach Emeth
The Name of the Lord

The Name of the Lord

The Name of the Lord


The name of the Lord can potentially be a controversial topic. I don’t really think it should be. If we use the scriptures that speak of the Father, what emerges is a litany of characteristics and descriptions of behaviors that are attributed to him. (Note: I use the pronoun him in reference to the role of Father.) The Creator is greater than all that can be created and our names and pronouns always fall short. 

The Hebrew word for name is shem. It is used eight hundred and sixty four times in the Bible. Strongs Hebrew Dictionary defines it: shem – through the idea of definite and conspicuous position; as a mark of memorial of individuality. can be a synonym for reputation or fame

Because the Father is all, this naming process cannot be approached as we approach the naming of tangible things. The Father is unnamable, especially by us. As such, we address the Father by faith with reverence in our prayers. Hopefully we understand that when we pray in his name we are attaching his reputation to our request. It is not a magical phrase that potentially gets us what we want.

While I will focus on the scriptures primarily attributed to the Hebrews, I must acknowledge that much of what I have said and will say can be verified with the Quran as well. Those who believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob share many fundamental tenets.

“The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous run into it and are safe.”                                                                       Proverbs 18:10

Because the one we describe is unfathomable to us, we are limited to the many ways we experience our Father’s influence in our descriptions. We must be careful to always be mindful of the fact that no one description or characterization really accounts for all that our Father does. All are his servants and nothing happens without his will.

So, whether we use God, Elohai, El Elyon, El Shaddai, Allah, the Most High, Jehovah, Yahweh, etc., we are all attempting to speak of that which is beyond our knowledge and understanding. Our knowledge is always limited in comparison to the Father. His name is no different and we must not condemn each other for what is beyond us all.

Learning His Name – The Psalms 

It is often in the praises that have been written over time, especially the poetry and songs, that we find testimonies of the Father’s reputation. Too much has been written for me to point to something complete, but the Psalms provide intimate insight into thoughts and prayers of faithful servants of the Lord, which include their faith in his name through any and every type of situation whether good or bad. He’s described as:


  • the one whose greatness cannot be fathomed (Psalm 145:3)
  • the one who is gracious, compassionate, abounding in kindness (Psalm 145:8)
  • the one who is good to all and his mercy is on all his works      (Psalm 145:9)
  • the one who supports all who stumble and makes the bent stand straight (Psalm 145:14)
  • the one who secures justice for the wronged and sets prisoners free (Psalm 146:7)
  • the one who gives food to the hungry and restores the sight of the blind (Psalm 146: 8)
  • the one who watches over the immigrant and gives courage to the orphan and the widow (Psalm 146:9)

These are just a few examples of the name of the Lord. Below, I share other examples of praise to the Father that testify of his reputation.

Hymn 11

“I thank thee, O Lord, for Thou are as a fortified wall to me and as an iron bar against all destroyers.

Though has set my feet upon rock that I may walk in the way of eternity and in the paths which though has chosen…”


Excerpts from the Dead Sea Scrolls 

Prayer for Deliverance

“For no worm thanks Thee, nor a maggot recounts Thy lovingkindness. Only the living thank Thee, all they whose feet totter, thank thee when thou makest known to them Thy lovingkindness and causest them to understand thy righteousness. For the soul of the living is in thy hand; Thou hast given breath to all flesh.

(Excerpt continued)

O Lord, do towards us according to Thy goodness, according to the greatness of Thy mercies, and according to the greatness of thy righteous deeds. The Lord listens to the voice of all who love his name and does not permit his loving kindness to depart from them. Blessed be the Lord, doer of righteous deeds, who crowns his pious ones with loving-kindness and mercies….”



Excerpt from Song 26 from Odes of Solomon

“I poured praise on the Lord. I am his. I recite his holy poem. My heart is with him. His harp is in my hand, and the poems of his rest will not be silent. I cry to him from my whole heart, praise and exalt him with my limbs. From the east and far into the west is his praise. From the south and far into the north, confession is his. And from the tip of hills to the greatest peaks is his perfection…”